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From: kirkland@ee.utah.edu (Dan Kirkland)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc,comp.sys.hp48
Subject: Re: Kermit on the HP48 (Was: One-Way Transfer)
Date: 27 May 1998 09:22:56 -0600
Organization: Univ of Utah Electrical Engineering Dept
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In article <6k42pd$a3m$1@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz) writes:
> 1. The top serial speed is 9600, right?
> 2. Should the flow control setting be NONE or XON/XOFF? We have
> conflicting reports (see above). Obviously the HP-48 *should* be
> exercising some form of flow control, but some reports indicate that
> it does not (even if it is set to do so).
The HP48 can use XON/XOFF if needed, but the HP48 itself does not
need it for kermit transfers.
> 3. Is the link transparent to incoming control characters? Can the
> client Kermit program use control-character unprefixing when sending
> to the HP-48? If not, the client program must be told to
> SET CONTROL PREFIX ALL prior to sending files to the HP-48.
No the HP48 requires certian characters (0-31, 127-159, 255) to
ALWAYS be prefixed!
> 4. Does the link allow 8-bit data? If not, the client must be given
> the appropriate SET PARITY command.
The HP48 allows 8-bit data, so this will depend on the other end.
>More to the point, I have also heard that (at least some models of) the
>HP-48 become "deaf" to incoming bytes for some number of milliseconds while
>switching their serial port from "send" to "receive", so if the client
>program is too fast, file transfers can fail. The solution to this is to
>tell the client program to pause for a sufficient number of milliseconds
>prior to sending each packet:
> set send pause 100 ; or whatever number works
Looking at the poor HP48 code, I say this makes perfect sense.
Hope this helps,